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Birthday party for my anniversary

November 10, 2024 - November 11, 202410 novembre 2024 - 11 novembre 202410. November 2024 - 11. November 202410 novembre 2024 - 11 novembre 202410 de noviembre 2024 - 11 de noviembre 2024

Kongresshaus ZürichKongresshaus ZürichKongresshaus ZürichKongresshaus ZürichKongresshaus Zürich


Leonie Parker
Vice President of Global Operations

One of the top questions across the social ecosystem in recent years is: "Can you measure the ROI of social media?" The answer is yes, you can. However, it takes some effort and a combination of the right tools, knowledge and methods.

Sarah Dupos
Digital Specialist

Glorious future or the end of humanity? Terminator or Knight Rider? It is amazing how often the discussion about the opportunities and risks of artificial intelligence ends up with simplified stereotypes and how often the Hollywood film Terminator is quoted in this context.

Brad Shing
Brand writer and content lead

Brad is Creative Lead at Bing, where he has helped shape the voice of the brand - from the rebranding to the newer mission-driven, community-led content.

Edward Cisneros
Ceo and Co-Founder

Edward's keynotes are about the future of customer relationships and the future of marketing. Edward is an expert on the impact of new technologies (AI, 5G, Iot...) on the customer experience.



Every trip leaves new impressions that make it special. Where do you want your next trip to go?

How quickly can you change departure and arrival times, fleet allocation, frequency and flight rotation to meet elastic demand?

Dear guests,

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum pharetra tempor felis sollicitudin pharetra. Sed pulvinar viverra massa nec ullamcorper. Vestibulum aliquet eget magna nec faucibus. Pellentesque placerat eleifend lorem. Aliquam at ligula ut elit dapibus congue. Cras sit amet purus tellus. Integer sodales nisl a ligula blandit, sed venenatis nunc gravida. Duis orci augue, iaculis quis semper et, dignissim vel odio. Aliquam dapibus vel lectus a luctus. Quisque in arcu quis felis pellentesque vehicula et sit amet sem. Nulla at tempus nunc. Integer diam sem, tincidunt eu nibh in, volutpat scelerisque elit. Morbi neque nulla, fermentum eget tortor vel, consequat porttitor massa. Sed tincidunt, nunc eu interdum pellentesque, orci tortor elementum odio, ut consequat mauris nibh a ex. Mauris tincidunt nec diam sit amet tempor.


Jede Reise hinterlässt neue Eindrücke, die sie zu etwas Besonderem machen. Wohin soll Ihre nächste Reise gehen?

Wie schnell können Sie Abflug- und Ankunftszeiten, Flottenzuweisung, Frequenz und Flugrotationsbildung ändern, um der elastischen Nachfrage gerecht zu werden?

Dear guests,

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum pharetra tempor felis sollicitudin pharetra. Sed pulvinar viverra massa nec ullamcorper. Vestibulum aliquet eget magna nec faucibus. Pellentesque placerat eleifend lorem. Aliquam at ligula ut elit dapibus congue. Cras sit amet purus tellus. Integer sodales nisl a ligula blandit, sed venenatis nunc gravida. Duis orci augue, iaculis quis semper et, dignissim vel odio. Aliquam dapibus vel lectus a luctus. Quisque in arcu quis felis pellentesque vehicula et sit amet sem. Nulla at tempus nunc. Integer diam sem, tincidunt eu nibh in, volutpat scelerisque elit. Morbi neque nulla, fermentum eget tortor vel, consequat porttitor massa. Sed tincidunt, nunc eu interdum pellentesque, orci tortor elementum odio, ut consequat mauris nibh a ex. Mauris tincidunt nec diam sit amet tempor.

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Kongresshaus ZürichKongresshaus ZürichKongresshaus ZürichKongresshaus ZürichKongresshaus Zürich

Claridenstrasse 5, ZürichClaridenstrasse 5, ZürichClaridenstrasse 5, ZürichClaridenstrasse 5, ZürichClaridenstrasse 5, Zürich
80028002800280028002 ZürichZürichZürichZürichZürich
